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         All Gospel CD with                   special guest:

      Marshall Wilbourn

"Believing in the Old Time Way"


DAVIS BRADLEY may 2020.jpg

"I thoroughly enjoyed the CD. You two sing and play with wonderful feeling and real subtlety"

Tom~ New Hampshire: March 2015

"This is a pleasant collection of originals by Davis Bradley mixed with some familiar tunes.   ...they harmonize well together and have a good command of their instruments. A pleasant outing from Davis Bradley"

Bluegrass Unlimited: February 2015


 "....a pleasant mixture of gentle bluegrass and acoustic country, is showcased nicely on their newest album, Into the Blue."

Bluegrass April 2016

See full review @:

".....their harmonies blend well and both are accomplished instrumentalists. Look for more from Davis Bradley"

Bluegrass Unlimited May 2016

"Great performers, great CD, & just plain great people! Much success on your new project. You'll deserve it!"

Tim Frye, WPAQ Mt. Airy, NC: November 2015

".....Davis and Bishop share lead and harmony vocals with a pleasant, easy blend. The Davis Bradley Duo seem to be quite popular in the Northern Va. area."

Bluegrass Unlimited: May 2018

        Christmas DVD
"Keeping The Tradition"
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"Cleared for takeoff"


"Into the Blue"



"New Days & Old Ways"
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         Christmas EP CD

    "Keeping the Tradition"


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Davis Bradley Stickers



db hats

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Trucker Hats

To purchase CDs or Merchandise, use paypal or send a check to :

                    Davis Bradley

                    PO Box 402

                    Linden, VA 22642

Or Go to: CD Baby to download CD or individual tracks quick & easy  @

Radio Stations Can Access our


 Phone Pop Sockets 
uses: Phone grip, store earbuds, hang towel, cup holder, drawer handle, book holder.
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 Davis Bradley Mugs



Davis Bradley shirts

                sm.- Xlg. $15.00






                   2x -  $17.00 




           Davis Bradley

"Banjo Pickers" Baseball Shirt

              sm. - xlg. $20

db posters



2x - $22

         *   Subscription:   *

Digital Pre-releases of the Davis

Bradley Oldtime Radio Shows.                                      Gets you 1 show per wk. by email in a downloadable format. Add email to special instructions of your paypal order.  Thank-you

Buy with PayPal
$25.00 Yr.
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